I – Diverses images montrant la confiance
Vocabulaire descriptif – L’enseignant trouvera les ressources adéquates.
Notion autour de confiance, méfiance, prise de risque, danger…
II- Une enquête de Gallup sur les croyances des Américains
III- Une enquête autour de la notion de « born again »
– Copyright © 2011 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.gallup.com/poll/14632/Who-Has-Been-Born-Again.aspx
IV- Une recherche internet sur le phénomène des «mega church» en amérique
Le site de Willow creek http://www.willowcreek.org/
Le site de Hillsong
V- Un poème de John Keats : Trust
For you to trust me and me to trust you,
you have to accept me and I have to accept you
the way I am and the way you are,
fully seen and deeply known,
with no need of apology –
with my body imperfections and with yours,
with my character shortcomings and yours, too….
for you are a sacred gift to me
and I am a sacred gift to you,
and gifts are to be gratefully accepted
and heartily enjoyed,
but only if you trust me and I trust you,
can we let ourselves be ourselves
and forget real or unreal barriers,
conventions or inhibitions,
as to profoundly enjoy
what we’ve been granted :
you – the gift of me,
me – the gift of you,
as deeply as our inner worlds
can take us in,
with trust
and joy.